Saturday, April 15, 2006

Shubho naba barsha.....
How funny it is to have to saw happy new year twice in a year.....but festivities are what i live for!!!!of course today loads of people have been known to say shubho bijoya instead of naba barsho......somehow after shubho,bijoya just comes naturally.everyone wishes each other luck and joy,children do pranam and get paid(wonderful way to make a quick buck!!!),you eat brilliant grub,meet friends,wear new clothes.....the niceties just never end.
Thats probably why i love that entire period from October till Feb.....starting with birthdays,anniversaries,Durga Pujo,Kali Pujo,Diwali,Christmas,New Year and yet more birthdays........thats just one big party......except for the 3 odd weeks of exams.Somehow I've seen I get happier,everything seems to glow,friends become nicer,parents become more understanding,love blooms,and boy does alcohol start to flow as do the endless parties.Even more miraculously at this time of year I seem to be pretty rich.......damn why is it just the middle of april???!!! ami fun korte chai.......a diff kind of fun that is.......but I love this anticipatory period as well!!!!!Just waiting for the festivities to start.....waiting for the leaves to fall,day to turn to night quicker,a slight chill settling in.....yet giving you that warm glow inside.......

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Amidst a very perfect world,
Sat a girl lost and troubled.
She thought she had figured it all out,
From her smile, laugh, frown and pout.
But something eluded her she knew
Something which sometimes made her blue.
But the little girl hung on to her hope,
Amidst the sex, booze and dope.
Someday she would be rescued she believed,
Taken far away into the world where joy lived.
Endless happiness, fun and laughter,
A place where no tear would fall.....a land of ever after.
Who it would be she didn't know,
Who'd take her where the wind always does blow.
A place where she could be a child,
Be innocent, small, gentle and mild.
Did a place like that even exist?
Did a person like that even exist?
Would she ever find them?
Would they always elude her?
So amidst a very imperfect world
She sat waiting lost and troubled.......

Sunday, April 09, 2006

so then i decided that i'll try to be like the other bloggers around n blog regularly.....its like freakin community im not even aware of and whats sadder is that im neither a blogger nor a non other words na ghar ka na ghat a healthy change should be welcome......
lookin bak at the last one year spent in JU im still feel so new....that excitement hasnt gone out at all for me.there is still a spring in my step when i leave to find an auto for college!and in the last year i've made so many discoveries.....made new friends.....developed a love for entire taste in music has been altered(wh is a good much longer could i have kept hearin boyzone!!!!!hehehehe!!!!nah am a lil better than that!!!)......i've actually grown as a person n become wiser.once you step into that world of JU you really need to watch your step....that place can either make you or break you.....its what you choose to imbibe is the imp get sucked into that lethargic JU atmosphere of cholche cholbe,pore dekhe nebo which will fuck your case!!!!!!!!!i may not be the most ideal student of JUDE but atleast this much I have fathomed and have started watchin out.not only the entire environment literally but the people in it too.influences are always presnt in life but its upto us to deiced whether we want to be influenced or not.that suckin power is passed onto the people and its so magnetic that you cant resist.people will tell you what the cool way to live is,will tell you dont worry and's all a good in JU but they lie........they live under the misconception that its a walk in the park.and then there are those who dont say a thing but quietly watch and smile..........choice is yours.....where do you fit in???if you ask me i really dont know....maybe its too soon to say anythin....i've got another 4 years to go.....maybe at the end of that i'll be a lot less confused and a lot smarter......and not try to fool the system,the people and especially not fool myself.......