Tuesday, August 22, 2006

its been a while since i blogged......but then whats new!!!
honestly so much has happened in life......more friends leaving town.....friends gettin jobs....friends getting together.....friends splittin up...friends having operations.........etc etc.....phew hectic.......not to mention that i too have been very busy..........busy trying not to fall ill again!!!!!!!!the last one month has been insane..........i've been keepin terrible health.......not yet back to my usual vibrant self..........i mean im goin around sayin no to partying!!!!!!!and worst part is that i havnt gotten my appetite back!!!!!!!!!thats positively horrible!!!!!!!!but things taste like cardboard in my mouth!!horrible......and being ill i think i must have listened to over 1000 songs in a week!!and beeen missin college.....its great to be back........esp for my renaissance class.....fuck man im doin class because my prof is too hot............and my prof's a woman!!!!!!!!so u can imagin!!!! i think i shud be a lesbian now!!ar toh kichu hoche na being hetero tai homo hoye dekha jak!!!dhat kichui bhalo lagche na and im gonna start cribbin soon so ill sign off now!!