Wednesday, November 28, 2007

yeah! i love life again! it's amazing how some things become so important that you cant live a day without. i love my life. after such a long time i can say im truly happy. yes the usual downs are still there...people still tryin to fuck me over but the difference is that....let em try!!!! im so happy that nothin can bring me down. this is a random blog post but blog!!!i write WTF i want!!!
this year has gone by really fast.just yest i was having cha and shivering in JP and it's time again to shiver and embrace the warmth of cha/coffee!So much has happened.......a year packed wi so much emotion....i thought i'd be emotionally drained by the end of the year but for some reason im still goin strong.So many tears and laughs;lost tempers,lost friends;finding the old ones again;finding new ones.But above all I think this year i discovered myself.I'm not at all what I had thought myself tobe.......ya somethings won't change but shite!there was so much I didn't know about myself.I have grown so much this year.(uhhh as a person...just incase anyone thinks physically!!)2007 has been a turning point in my the year gets ready to bow out gracefully,I know I will look back wistfully yet fondly....sigh........but as a friend says..."ei to lemon"!!!Here's to a better 2008!

Friday, November 16, 2007


was kidnapped today by a sibling duo!!!swifted whisked away in a car, forced to have some burning liquid poured down my throat which tasted oddly like tea, and told that all nite i would be bound to them and drugged!!!!!!!!!!! imagine the fear, the terror, spinchilling episodes of torture....NAAAAAAAAAHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIii!!!! but then if some people just offer tea and H( the slighter safer one if u know what i mean!!!) u just dont say no!!!!!! smart gurl aint i???!!!
currently just blown away by the sheer madness of it all........and laughin for the last 15 mins with my captor did not make things any better!!!!!sitting here, writing utter nonsense somehoe makes full sense to me....just a few hours ago i was running away from a cyclone....or atleast the thot of one.......before that fucked up my thighs trying to get into shape!!(no wonder i dont gym....if losing weight was that painful...i'd rather gain a few kilos!) thus couldnt even run away from the cyclone in my mind(ooooooooooo pseudo antlami!!!! without even trying!!!this is good shit!)
anyway all in all i think rathr productive day.......esp since fever seems to be gone(keeping fingers crossed!!!) here's to the night!!!!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

cha and adda

Hmmmmmm cha seems to be such an important factor in my life and I had never realised it.After a cha session today I was like "EUREKA!" or as Satra would say "CHAAAAAAAAA".Honestly that golden brown liquid with bits of leaves floating in it has been an integral part of almost everything important to me. So many faces have laughed with me over cups of cha;and then the faces change. Even theks change. I guess that's cause of the company. So many cups of tea; so many tea jokes, so many spilled glasses/broken glasses;lebu cha/doodh cha & prajapati biscuit. Times spent just chilling;relieving stress;doin prem;bitchin about people;making new friends; catching up with old ones;making up after fights.......the list is endless.No wonder I'm addicted to cha..........have drunk way too much for the sake of life and it's lil gifts.From mashi's dokan in Golf Green to Gate no.4 at JU;from the bridge to the mathh;from Sharma's to the Lakes;from 8B to Salt Lake....I've done it all....and it doesnt stop there.Current pitstop...Russell Dhaba. More laughing faces,more intense adda, and lots more cha......