Tuesday, April 07, 2009

As I Promised You

As I promised you darling girl....I'm being regular!!! You know who you are! But ofcourse I dint promise coherence!!!Khek Khek!
So then have been stuck at home with fever yet again....I think it's time I kiss my tonsils goodbye!!! Kolkata has gotten hotter and I believe hotter than Delhi. Damn!!The one thing we had!!!
The evenings are pleasant sometimes....like now.pretty breeze and good music....currently listening to 'What Goes Around'-JT. Hahahaha! It's the truth of life yo!I totally believe in it.Why think of revenge? Waste of time....karma will just kick ass for you!!! Just be patient.
I want a lion.....I want a visa....I want NYU....I want money(duh!)....I want to direct my own play....I want the best kiss ever....I want a friend like Joey....I want peace of mind....I want a 24 in waist(sigh!).....I want Johnny Depp....ok enough...
You know what I really want right now? A tub of London Dairy's Strawberry cheesecake icecream or R's Panacotte.....oh my kingdom for sweet somethings.....sigh.... think I'll just settle for a hug from my mommy...

Saturday, April 04, 2009

isnt it strange that you happen to discover something and then all of a sudden everything related to that something just keeps popping up from time to time after that?All the while before it never even gave an inkling that it would make its way into your life and then bam!your life is spammed by it.Wonder what it is....is it our perception?or something we choose to ignore until it whallops us over the head?
I love AG.to be honoured or not to be honoured.strange how you miss the people right in front of you and someday you realise shit...i should have, could have....
Like this friend who I'm very ashamed to say I ignored but now in his time of crisis my heart goes out to him....we seldom talk but when I did hug him last he had tears in his eyes.Maybe he dint forget me after all.
Life's strange....just discovered yet another loss in my life....it's insignificant in a way but couldn't help bawl....to think I could have lost another sibling is killin. And I dint know for fucking 23 years of my oh so insignificant life.
I spend a lot of time at home these days.....I want to....dont want to be away from home....people find it difficult to believe that I choose to be a recluse.....but I feel safer at home.More loved.More peaceful.Too many variables out there who get to me and make me feel awful.They cant infiltrate my home.I'll never let it happen.
Never thot the day would come when I would not miss P.but never say never right?I'm growing up.I have to.I need to.
I thought adults were smarter and knew more and behaved more,well, adultlike. Guess I was wrong. Most of the adults I met are quite asinine.They behave more like children and lack common sense.So then in times of trouble where do we turn? To the twats that are the adults or the quacks that are the peers?Strange it is. I want someone who can provide the answers.But who?
Also I wish I could understand when people spoke in metaphors all the bloody time. Why cant they just say what they mean without making me want to tear out my hair and bang their heads against a very solid wall????Someone once said I was too stupid and didnt understand.I'm beginning to agree with him.
Man!! I want a change....from everything. I want out.