Friday, January 22, 2010

Lord!!! It's been so long. (I seem to have said this before and many times!) And yes a new year starts again. I'm chilled to my bone and loving it despite the frequents bouts of coughing. I love the sun on my back while the tips of my fingers freeze! I love the way the trees look in winter. Summer-I HATE YOU!!! This year will be one of broken hearts and wistful glances. I can tell. Already feeling the wave of nostalgia washing over me. Damn! 5 years...gone by so quickly. How? Where? When? How did I not see this coming? As usual I fell in love again. Always at this time I do knowing full well there just isn't time to love them. Each year I promise it will be different but it's the same vicious cycle. So I take this time to say..."Hello! I fell in love with you. But alas, I do not have the power to stop time and keep loving you. We will move on. I will move on. But I will not forget you. I will miss you. But don't know if I'll still love you. Forgive me for not finding you earlier. Forgive me for not seeing how much you meant to me. Do not know if we will be together again. But it was an honour."
I can almost hear the sound of her wings. She comes quietly but surely. I can see the darkness in the distance. I don't want to go. It's not time. Or perhaps it is...
It's cold.So cold. But the memory keeps me warm. I hope, no, I KNOW they will keep me warm when I'm at my coldest best. That is inevitable.

1 comment:

Nayantara said...

two months from now, i'll read this and Srin's 'chicago" post, and probably burst into tears.