Thursday, May 06, 2010

Consummatum Est

People have been doing it for the last few days and I promised myself that I wouldn't join the bandwagon because that would indicate accepting that it's over. I refuse to accept that it's over.I refuse! I refuse! I refuse...?
I guess I cant run away from the fact that it is time. Consummatum Est. Today is our farewell. Still got a couple of hours to go till I step into the AV Room where I have bid farewell to so many others. How I wish I was again back to being the one doing the send-off instead of being sent off. I promised myself I would not not holding my breath. When I left school I felt a part of my heart shudder and then lay at peace but this time, my heart refuses to stop shaking, it will not go down easily. My head says this is not the end but the beginning of something new and that something must end for something to start but my stupid foolish heart... A friend very recently told me that it's a shame I did not fall in love during my JU years. That's simply not true. I had one of the most torrid love affairs with JUDE. I don't think I have ever felt this pained on saying goodbye. JUDE had the power to turn the most  naive idiot into someone more well prepared for the world. I have been there through so many changes but yet the essence of JUDE remains the same. One can still come here and find a sea of people indulging in so many things, living in harmony and still calling it home. I believe it was Home to many 30 years ago and it will continue to be so 30 years from now. The familiar faces will become the ghosts that haunt the corridor. But one hopes they will not be forgotten. From chasing professors down the stairs to being chased by professors down the stairs, I did it all in my undergrad. Once the masters started I knew we had arrived. There was a sense of "This is my town...tread carefully". The enemies from elsewhere had arrived. JUDE inculcates that air. But soon the enemies were welcomed in and disappeared in the mesh that was PG. We thought that they wouldn't understand, they wouldn't feel it and somewhere today I know I was right. I guess 2 years isn't enough to make you realise what you are a part of. It is a pity. But then there are those who would put stalwarts to shame and it was indeed an honour sharing the class with them.The enemies now became part of the collective force who stood up for JUDE against all the other plebs! :p (okay I might just get murdered for that one. Peace peace!) PiGII was when it started dawning on me that my love affair came with an expiry date. And today I think I finally finished my cans of pineapples. I can't promise a shiny happy face today. There will be those who will think that I'm off my rockers if I cried. I do beg your pardon. It isn't everyday that one leaves home. I must thank all those who have made my years at JUDE the best years of my life. Spanning the 8 batches that I have had the good fortune of knowing well, the amazing professors who taught more than just what is in the syllabus and, I borrow a line from a friend,  this journey would not have been possible without the many kind and (not so kind) spirits we met along the way...

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