Thursday, December 15, 2005

most people give me gali becoz i dont update my blog........uhhh ektu chhotto koro sorry..comp crashed and am not gonna sit at a cyber cafe n post blogs!!!!!!!!!!!!! hang on......what am i doing now then???????? damn.......mutter mutter......
i spent the last few minutes searching for wordsworth poems n their analysis.........yes JU end terms finally gettin to me.....nite b4 the exam!!!!!!wheeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!i'm gonna be so screwd.....maybe i shud keep sayin that........someone once told me be careful wht u say coz brahma once a day sez "TATHASTU!!!" or was it shiva...maybe vishnu....uhhh my hindu mythology sux!!!!!!!!
anyway i have somethin to say.....i have decided to say it.....but in the due course of writing it i may many sorries
yes i belive one of our esteemed editors kept cribing that we first years do not bother put up stuff on the blabb......i'd like to say that its not coz we dont want to but its just that we are darned toooooooooooo lazy to move our asses(of all sizes!!!!).this is something u must have understood by now!!!!!!!have u even seen us do any kind of work??!!!!!!!!!!!!!and since someone decided that me n my frnds comprised of the entire 1st yr a.k.a. the tiny tots.........i ges i can speak for all the 1st yrs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!so plz we love the blabb n the editors!!!!!!!!!truly but amra babies ra khub alosh!!!!but from time to time we will post.........atleast i hoope we will.........maybe u cud start to pay us or bribe us with food.......we respond well to such bribes...........till next time happy bloggin to the world while i go to jump in the lakes now!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2005


so then its been a really long time.........for the record am very nostalgic listening to dont cry.......loads of emotions attched to this song....certain people know exacty how much.......a moment of silence for all that is lost and is past.......
hmmm so now that we've gotten that over with..........time to get down n DIRTY!!!!!!!!!! quite literally if you even know what amount of muck we go through evryday at monida's!!!!and of course the journey to monida's!!!!i realised that after joining JU i havent really bothered to talk about the best college ever with the BEST DEPARTMENT EVER----ENGLISH!!!!!definately on this side of the planet!!!!!its a township by itself........with ponds n trees n drugs n sex n rock'n'roll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HEHEHE!!!! Where else would you come across a dept.whr the profs come n roll with you,ask u for fags,offer you fags,attendence is do wht u fact when in JUDE,do the JUDEANS!!!!!!
enough of my college.........more interesting are the people!!!!from the bookish kind to the sluttish kind,from the genuine darlings to the bitches and bastards,from the eye candies to the trolls........we have them all!!!!but the people i hang with are the best lot in my a lil intro to the young lasses!!!
Srin.....prob the maddest of us all,the sarkiest doll i know.her abilty to fib with a straight face has put most seniors,students in a rather awkward position(providing us with entertainment all day long!!!!).She used to come with this extra baggage which has been deported to Canada......we miss the giant with the voice of a lil girl with goggles as a hairband!!!!
Sahana.....i've known her the longest..from being the quiet mouse to being the woman who can scream for chow at monida's!!!!I rem rite b4 she left 4 dubai we sneakd in booze to her place on her bday n that was the high point!!!!!now the gurl drinks like a fish(or so she thinks!!!1)after a couple of glasses she's very "happy" and talks crap,after a couple of drags of weed she's been known to say stuff like"she doesnt wanna commit but sez plz plz!!!!)(uhhhh what the fuck does that mean!!!!!)so if u wanna see her in action(or just c her smoke...wh is an event by itself!!!)just stroll along to the bridge!!!!
Ranjaboti........or rannu..or ranja....ganjaboti........she answers to all.she's d bomb of the lot.....we just dont have enough hospital rooms for the heartbreak patiensts.ofcourse she believes she's ugly,fat etc etc........she has a flaw list.obviously seeing her u wont c ne of the u start to wonder about one possible defect....defective brain.she's innocent,sweet n saintly (if u know wht i mean!!!!)but of late she's started being a harami .shit man we can turn perfect angels into absolute devils!!!!she's the eldest among us but is our baby!!!u tlk to ranja once and u'r bound to love her!!!
Tinie.........dudette from skul.not really pals then but now we are.she's one bitchass hottie.she can take anyone's trip when she is in form wh is rarely as she is a sloth.....lazy piggy!!!!she's a bitch when she wants to be.but without tinie no party kicks off..........stayin wi her i've been doing outrageous things by my standards.her attitude n fundas are fab.her keoramo,jabing n tabing ,her heeeeeeeeeesss are all a part of the fab creature she is.
Put together we are a perfect tossed dressing.With a pink dressing...........if you care to look carefully at us in college!!!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


she sits by her window.splashes of rain hit it and trickle if washing away everything.she feels the same.washing away of the pain of loving someone so much.washing away the unbearable feeling of missing that special the raindrops roll down the windowpane, silent tears roll down her cheeks.Just as the heavens split and rained,the tears also just rolled.and then the sun rose and its golden brilliance shone over the entire world.and she knew... the sun too would shine on her.she smiled yet a tell tale tear glistened in her would rain again.......

missing pieces

and there she's back in the atmosphere with drops of jupiter in her hair.........
isnt that just a wonderful current fave song........
somehow am feeling a little strange today......i shudnt just seems to be finally on the right track....have gotten to the best college ever,no longer pining for someone,no jhamela from home or with friends...........but still there is this emptiness in me....a void i cant seem to one can........that void is ano.......its been a long time since i've actually felt her absence........and somehow i just cant stop the tears today.......i miss her a lot........have u ever felt that u stopped living?thats how i feel without her saying stupid things to me,or telling me not to do something she doesnt like,or just sitting in utter silence........she's the sunshine in my world of darkness and i often wonder whether I deserve her at! someone up there truly loves me.she completes me,not even talking in a lesbian way...its way to ethereal for that.what wouldnt i give just to be next to her and just talk.........wht wouldnt i do to hear her act naive and nyaka???
i miss her......its just not the same........its like the sky missing the sun.....i miss my sunshine...... my missing piece in my jigsaw puzzle life.......

Saturday, June 18, 2005

someplace else

so then we went to someplace yest.........damn cool(hip pocket rocks!!!)........loads of fun....wht with weird ex-flames first ignores u n then sticks to u like glue..........17 year olds getting denied even breezer...........knocking back beer.....meetin old friends.........and of course smoke,smoke ,smoke.........
it was fab to have gone coz i know that this wont happen for a long time to come......where we all shall be I do not know........where I shall be i dont know!!!!!!!!!!! its killin me inside everytime i think i have to say goodbye to my best will i live without ano's smiling face and our stupid crappy conversations,how can i get thru the day without chiku shouting "AAATHHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" one more time n saying she's streetsmart,how can i survive without ziki's 'ashshabhabik' and 'ashadharon' conversations n his " i'll kick ur ass!!!" and of course how can i survive without rajroop's incessant pissing me off tactics n his stupidity............tia isnt complte without ano,chiku,bandie and will this soul survive without its sustainance.........
I'm going to miss them all so much..........i cant stop the tears from rolling silently down my cheeks.....despite wht someone sez,even tho this is life it still hurts and it takes some time to heal........hurting for something good is always harder than hurting for something negative(only those who know me well will even understand the crap i just wrote...!!!!!!)
So for my darlings................I love you guys so much...each one differently and for different reasons............u guys have made a major diff in my life...u prob dont even know how much.........thankz is too lil to offer so i just offer my undying love and loyalty........u do know that if nothing else i'm just a phone call away.........but i reside in ur hearts........gonna miss u loads.......
n i know u gonna miss me so not even gonna try n say u shud!!!!!!!but then how does one miss a part of one's self?????................

Thursday, June 02, 2005

eat poop

radio six SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!n thier stupid imitation of queen is just way dumb.......its too late for me i think im hallucinatin i thot i saw poodles play guitars....i wanna make u mine.........who? the poodles get real silly its a song....bitches amiiiiiiiiiiiii likhbo!!!!!!!what the hell do u think u were doing ekhuni?well since finally got d bein attackd by chiku!!!!!!aaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!thats so fake athe. .....yes the flat coke lover has left me to my business.....n jlo is hot!!!!we r so nnoooooooooo she s a cruel animal killer,,,,, wheres peta???????????ya so then the anima has turned into animal!!!!!n ano has taken a back seat!!!its abt 2 in the morning n we gals r just hanging n we r not dancing n we r definitely GIRLS n not GALS.uffffffffffff whatevr......u mean whatever u xaverian u....comin from a xaverian lover thats rich!!!!!!(eat poop)to be washed down with peepee!!!!n ano sez....EWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! athe n her preoccupation with body waste!!!!!!!!!!!! finally have key brd all to myself yesss!!!!!!!!ya so what to write????so chiku how abt some intellectual stuff from u......aaarrree she's incapable of it soooo not........i resent that....n ure a prize asssss...n drumrolls for the greatest comeback ever!!!!! ya like whevr man!!!! ya like ano whtevr man rite???or is it whn u say nothin at all???n throw bak ur heads n laugh!!!!!whre is ROBBIE???? (n chitra is a dumbo!!!!)tralalala!!!!!! U ARE THE DUMBO ATHE!!!once again ladies n gents(n intelligents!!!!)drumrolls!!!!n man i like all the music thts playing!!!plus dancing slowly with she's a babe!!!!ya babe in the real sense...BABY!!!!!ya its ok athe i know callin me a baby makes u feel gud abt urself,its fine,go ahead,i understand.a true friend is what i am....ladies n best friend....n she isnt conceited AT ALL!!!!!!but of course with athe around u feel ashamed of blowing ur own trumpet,she puts u to shame......n ano is bein mean types again!!!n chiku is dead i think....YO CHIKU!!!!thinkin of spotty huh???!!!!i thot she was trying to think intellectual but ya i guess spotty might b on her mind too......just a thot,does spotty qualify as an intellectual thought?.......dudes U GUYS R THE ONES dredging this up at 2 15. somebody or shld i say two somebody s TOTALLY DESPARATE??????????????? YEAH BABY!!!n u forget one tiny detail....very small.....u r gonna be sleepin wi us tonight.....BEWARE!!!!I kiss well huh???~!!!! HA HA HA HA HA (hysterical n terrified laughter) that chiku n athe hav finished their comebacks and recomebacks(is there a word like that?) i think we've finished with this edition of eat poop.incase u managed to reach till here,we thank u n salute ur patience n ur total lack n of course do hope u will read our next edition "eat poop too".goodbye and have a nice day.
athena chitra ananya

Sunday, May 29, 2005

for all those who love the sins in the world

Heaven and hell will break loose,
The day you stop your booze.
Versace and Armani will give up their tag,
The day you cease to fag.
I will lose all my hope,
The day you give up dope.
The sun will cease to shine so bright,
The day we dont have our silly fights.
But know this to be true,
Straight from me to you,
I would surely have died,
The day to cease to be by my side......


weird.....started a blog today.....under keen supervision of my younger brother....jst sitting around listening to november rain........something inside me stirrs........dont know wht it is.....nostalgia.....lovesickness.....just plain gas(ewwwwwww!!!)....this blog is the pits will get better later am sure......aar bhalo lagche na.........ufffff.........ei baje heat..............damn damn damn!!!!!!!