Saturday, June 18, 2005

someplace else

so then we went to someplace yest.........damn cool(hip pocket rocks!!!)........loads of fun....wht with weird ex-flames first ignores u n then sticks to u like glue..........17 year olds getting denied even breezer...........knocking back beer.....meetin old friends.........and of course smoke,smoke ,smoke.........
it was fab to have gone coz i know that this wont happen for a long time to come......where we all shall be I do not know........where I shall be i dont know!!!!!!!!!!! its killin me inside everytime i think i have to say goodbye to my best will i live without ano's smiling face and our stupid crappy conversations,how can i get thru the day without chiku shouting "AAATHHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" one more time n saying she's streetsmart,how can i survive without ziki's 'ashshabhabik' and 'ashadharon' conversations n his " i'll kick ur ass!!!" and of course how can i survive without rajroop's incessant pissing me off tactics n his stupidity............tia isnt complte without ano,chiku,bandie and will this soul survive without its sustainance.........
I'm going to miss them all so much..........i cant stop the tears from rolling silently down my cheeks.....despite wht someone sez,even tho this is life it still hurts and it takes some time to heal........hurting for something good is always harder than hurting for something negative(only those who know me well will even understand the crap i just wrote...!!!!!!)
So for my darlings................I love you guys so much...each one differently and for different reasons............u guys have made a major diff in my life...u prob dont even know how much.........thankz is too lil to offer so i just offer my undying love and loyalty........u do know that if nothing else i'm just a phone call away.........but i reside in ur hearts........gonna miss u loads.......
n i know u gonna miss me so not even gonna try n say u shud!!!!!!!but then how does one miss a part of one's self?????................

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