Wednesday, July 20, 2005

missing pieces

and there she's back in the atmosphere with drops of jupiter in her hair.........
isnt that just a wonderful current fave song........
somehow am feeling a little strange today......i shudnt just seems to be finally on the right track....have gotten to the best college ever,no longer pining for someone,no jhamela from home or with friends...........but still there is this emptiness in me....a void i cant seem to one can........that void is ano.......its been a long time since i've actually felt her absence........and somehow i just cant stop the tears today.......i miss her a lot........have u ever felt that u stopped living?thats how i feel without her saying stupid things to me,or telling me not to do something she doesnt like,or just sitting in utter silence........she's the sunshine in my world of darkness and i often wonder whether I deserve her at! someone up there truly loves me.she completes me,not even talking in a lesbian way...its way to ethereal for that.what wouldnt i give just to be next to her and just talk.........wht wouldnt i do to hear her act naive and nyaka???
i miss her......its just not the same........its like the sky missing the sun.....i miss my sunshine...... my missing piece in my jigsaw puzzle life.......

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