Friday, May 26, 2006

had a rather mellow up late and went to friends place and lazed there.And after a looooong time did a lot of heart to heart.we hadnt done that in a long it felt was nice to feel laid bare on the table and see the same with the other person.we talked for hours with the food n cigarette felt really nice.i miss doin these things with people i love.and talkin today was like taking a walk down memory lane....reliving n relishing those past moments again,knowin that we might never get it back.looking into the future knowing we'll make more memories and will oneday look back n smile wistfully.personally i think a guy/gal friendship is the best but there are just somethings that girls do their hearts completely and lay it out there.being a girl n knowin what another girl is feelin is amazing.I loved today....hope erom din aro anek ashe jibone.....

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Weight Of My Words

There are very many things
I would like to say to you
But I've lost my way
And I've lost my words
There are very many places
I would like to go
But I can't find the key
To open my door
The weight of my words
You can't feel it anymore
The weight of my words
You can't feel it anymore
There are very many ways
I would like to break the spell
You've cast upon me
Because all the time
I sacrificed myself
To make you want me
Has made you haunt me
The weight of my words
You can't feel it anymore
The weight of my words
You can't feel it anymore
The weight of my words
You can't feel it anymore
There are very many things
I would like to say to you
But I've lost my way
And I've lost my words
There are very many places
I would like to go
But I can't find the key
To open my door

Arent the lyrics just beautiful?????
This is currently my favourite song.........well has been since the 1st time I heard it courtesy a friend who insisted I listened to to it.Thus my initiation into the world of Kings of Convenience.i love these dudes.Amazing music and lyrics.Beauty in motion.....
uff aar bhalo lagche sick n tired of studying edgar allan poe...thank gawd it will be over tom....then party!!!!!!!!!!! till the next exam......then party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i want so many things..... i want an air conditioner, i want an ipod, i want a digital camera, i want to go for a holiday, i want my knight in shining armour, i want my best friend all year round, i want shakira's hips, i want unlimited supply of alcohol, i want to go dancing, i want a car, i want to come 1st class 1st, i want my friends to come 1st class 1st too(just like my frnds grandma sed...she's too cute!!!), i want a personal swimming pool, i want a personal gym-with a hot personal trainer(lolz), and of course the usual of a good career, satisfying pay and a great life.....essshhh i sound like a materialistic bitch man!!!!! and i also sound like the woman in the frnaklin templton ad..(I want!I want!)ufffffff
its too goin mad........exam kal...too hot to think.....have to cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rite now nothin is making sense hence the very wierd sure tom when i read it ill be goin....WHAT THE F***?????forgive...its just the heat i tell u......

Thursday, May 18, 2006

It's amazing how when you feel really lost and down and feel that the whole world has turned its back on you,there is that someone who with just a word makes u feel that nothing ever went wrong.I have one such person in my life.Most of the year I spend fighting with him and saying that he is way too mean to me but when i really need him he is there,even when i dont have to say a word.I met him today after ages and was all smiles but he just saw rite through me.And even when I'm the saddest he makes me smile.Without even meaning to tears just flow and he wipes away every one of them.We sit in silence and that in itself says so much.His silence tells me that when everyone has deserted me,he'll hold my hand and show me the way.I feel homesick even when I'm at home and just staying with him for a couple of hours makes me feel that I've come home.This is what friendship is............maybe this is what love is all about.Not love between lovers but love between 2 souls who complete each other as friends.I'm blessed to have someone like that n my life...without him i dont know what I'd do.He's my child,my guide,my rescuer............the missing piece in mu jigsaw life....

Monday, May 15, 2006

life is beautiful

very nice day.....woke up to ma being nice to me,giving me cha n biskoot....spoke to 2 old friends and relived old times....wrote a great exam....came home to great lunch....met estranged friend...met best friend.....met college friends n had really nice started to become amazing.....and now listening to nice mellow seems perfect....finally everything is falling into place....all jhamela is beautiful........

walk the dog????!!!!

so then the other day i had gone for a walk in the para with my friends and after rudely being thrown out of my friend's place(bastard!!!),me and this other friend decided to have a smoke before parting our diff ways.Due to the lack of place and avoiding the prying eyes of people who think its a cardinal sin for women to smoke we sat down somewhere behind a bush..........only it was more of a garbage dump than a bush!!!Never have I done that before!!!!We did move from there(though my friend fussed.One would think she felt quite at home there!!!)And then I saw the strangest sight ever.I've seen people walking dogs but have you ever seen anyone walk a GOAT????!!!I've seen goats being led to the slaughter but I have never seen a goat on a leash!!!!!My dear god!!!!I could not believe my eyes!!!Has to be the weirdest thing ever.Needless to say the two of us couldnt stop laughing(me and my friend not me n the goat!!!) and I thought I must write about it.If anyone has had a similar experience please do tell!!!Maybe such things happen outside Jodhpur park too!!!

Monday, May 08, 2006

i hate people who are fake.....everyday i encounter atleast a handful.Why i ask?why do you have to be fake?for that matter why are people mean unnecessarily?and if you have to be mean why resort to silly methods of bitching behind people's backs?I mean if you are going to talk badly about someone have the bloody balls to do it in front of the person u want to bitch about.Personally if someone came and insulted me on my face I'd respect the person more and take him/her as a worthy adversary.Insteat if you bitch about me behind my back and expect me not to find out,thats just stupid.Trust me if i had even an ounce of respect for you despite disliking you,thats just gone.I'm not gonna be a hypocrite and say i dont bitch about people but atleast i dont make the effort to be overtly nice to them either.I generally avoid them and make civil conversation with them when they make the 1st move.I know of so many people as of now who dislike me and yet are so nice n sweet......disgusting!!!!I have been yelled at,abused and cursed in broad daylight on the road.....and believe i have to hand it to the gal who did so.It takes guts to come upto someone and tell them exactly what you think of them.Make no mistake....I dislike this particular female in question and wouldn't mind giving her a bloody nose but yes hats off to her to have been able to tell me on my face.
It's the chiddi chors i absolutely loathe.Why pretend?What on earth do you get out of it?A friend of mine asked one fine day "why cant people just be nice?" Such an innocent question but tell me honestly can anyone answer it.It takes all kinds to make up the world i told him.And then we both agreed that with harami people one just has to be harami.Personally I'd try being nice initially but then when i see its futile and im gonna get screwed over then full force e harami hoye jete hoy.It's for people like these who get a kick out of others miseries and being mean that some people just become stoics,cold and dont let anything affect them-good or bad.I know what thats like....been there myself.But it's like losing a part of yourself.A part of you just dies and thats just sad.Why for these insensitive bastards should the genunely nice ones suffer??If you forget how to feel,how to trust others,how to love another.....where will this world go to?