Monday, May 15, 2006

walk the dog????!!!!

so then the other day i had gone for a walk in the para with my friends and after rudely being thrown out of my friend's place(bastard!!!),me and this other friend decided to have a smoke before parting our diff ways.Due to the lack of place and avoiding the prying eyes of people who think its a cardinal sin for women to smoke we sat down somewhere behind a bush..........only it was more of a garbage dump than a bush!!!Never have I done that before!!!!We did move from there(though my friend fussed.One would think she felt quite at home there!!!)And then I saw the strangest sight ever.I've seen people walking dogs but have you ever seen anyone walk a GOAT????!!!I've seen goats being led to the slaughter but I have never seen a goat on a leash!!!!!My dear god!!!!I could not believe my eyes!!!Has to be the weirdest thing ever.Needless to say the two of us couldnt stop laughing(me and my friend not me n the goat!!!) and I thought I must write about it.If anyone has had a similar experience please do tell!!!Maybe such things happen outside Jodhpur park too!!!

1 comment:

TC said...

not to the slaughter thats for sure coz a few days later i saw the goat again....but this time it wasnt on a leash...had been demoted to a dori....bechara!!!