Monday, May 08, 2006

i hate people who are fake.....everyday i encounter atleast a handful.Why i ask?why do you have to be fake?for that matter why are people mean unnecessarily?and if you have to be mean why resort to silly methods of bitching behind people's backs?I mean if you are going to talk badly about someone have the bloody balls to do it in front of the person u want to bitch about.Personally if someone came and insulted me on my face I'd respect the person more and take him/her as a worthy adversary.Insteat if you bitch about me behind my back and expect me not to find out,thats just stupid.Trust me if i had even an ounce of respect for you despite disliking you,thats just gone.I'm not gonna be a hypocrite and say i dont bitch about people but atleast i dont make the effort to be overtly nice to them either.I generally avoid them and make civil conversation with them when they make the 1st move.I know of so many people as of now who dislike me and yet are so nice n sweet......disgusting!!!!I have been yelled at,abused and cursed in broad daylight on the road.....and believe i have to hand it to the gal who did so.It takes guts to come upto someone and tell them exactly what you think of them.Make no mistake....I dislike this particular female in question and wouldn't mind giving her a bloody nose but yes hats off to her to have been able to tell me on my face.
It's the chiddi chors i absolutely loathe.Why pretend?What on earth do you get out of it?A friend of mine asked one fine day "why cant people just be nice?" Such an innocent question but tell me honestly can anyone answer it.It takes all kinds to make up the world i told him.And then we both agreed that with harami people one just has to be harami.Personally I'd try being nice initially but then when i see its futile and im gonna get screwed over then full force e harami hoye jete hoy.It's for people like these who get a kick out of others miseries and being mean that some people just become stoics,cold and dont let anything affect them-good or bad.I know what thats like....been there myself.But it's like losing a part of yourself.A part of you just dies and thats just sad.Why for these insensitive bastards should the genunely nice ones suffer??If you forget how to feel,how to trust others,how to love another.....where will this world go to?


March Hare said...

wooohooo...that's a lot of anger...what happened?

TC said...

nothin much.just one of those things one that i think about-wonder why people are the way they are

La Figlia Che Piange said...

*ding ding ding ding* people are strange, when you're a stranger...:P

TC said...

srin what is that even supposed to mean???!!!!!!!!