Friday, June 23, 2006

silent night.....brilliant breeze.....a lit cig......sitting curled up and taking in the beauty at hand. at a distance south city looms, towering over, looking like Mordor yet beautiful against the midnight kolkata skyline.....sudden squels from the neighbors....seems like someone's won yet another football match.........i smile creeps on my lips.......a familiar sense of lethargy sets in.....havent slept properly in the last couple of weeks but i welcome these sleepless me time to think......
miss those days of being completly happy....of feelin like nothin could get me feel loved and secure...knowing that my existence means the world to someone........that i can fite with someone and the very next moment just melt by his mere feel my heart beat faster at the slightest touch.....just to feel his arms around me to say that nothin will touch you here,that you will be looked after.....i miss being weak in the knees.......i miss the constant feeling of warmth flowing inside me........i miss being in love....
i believe that one doesnt need a significant other to feel complete but then we are animals and have instincts and desires...........dont get me wrong....i dont mean sex at all........i just mean love..
we always feel the need to be loved every step of the way....but life doesnt end if it doesnt happen that way.....besides "loves come as surprise ice"......anyone who has been in love knows what i'm talkin about.....not love that people generally indulge in these days which doesnt las more than a couple of weeks.....but somethin which grows each day and somehow makes one stronger.....sometimes i wonder whether its greater to love than to be loved.....and then i think maybe.....loving someone means so much more.........just to be able to make someone feel special but then the selfish human tendency of wanting to be loved always creeps in.....even when we know its of no use we never give up hoping do we?
somehow old memories keep rushing back to we ever stop loving?guess we dont..... we stop being in love but continue to love....yet again something i strongly hold dear to my heart......
to my darling...dont think ill ever stop loving you even though i stopped being in love with you...
to whoever is waiting to sweep me off my feet.........ill be right here waiting just to have your arms around me....what i wouldnt do to just sit in silence and let the silence to the talking......after all when we are SILENT,we can still LISTEN.
the cigs gone out,mordor still looks ethereal..and i still sit curled waiting for my prince.....

1 comment:

TC said...

but would i really want that??? that'll just be the pits if he does ride by and i just stand not knowing..........