Friday, June 23, 2006

" wild horses couldnt drag me away.....wild wild horses gonna ride them oneday......"
seriously one of the best songs i've ever heard......have to thank one particular friend for mentioning it to me...i completly identify with it.........
in life i've noticed onething.........when you care about someone,you are automatically taken for granted.not sayin its a bad thing,among really good friends you r supposed to but what do you do when u dont know whether the feeling is mutual or not.I believe in friendship one should stand on equal tends to feel naked and vulnerable when someone else has the upperhand.besides do you think its fair?hmmmmmmmmm guess in life one has to roll with the punches...........what you expect you seldom get but when unexpectedly you do.........isnt it the best???what would life be without surprises in little packages.........

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