Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Took a walk down memory lane today,
So many memories sifted through yet nothing to say,
A few tears shed amidst the many laughs,
A cigarette smoked and another half.....
Reading letters and cards of ages old,
Stories started and never told....
Of lost loves,lost friends and lost souls
Of being one and playing many roles.
It eludes me now-the innocence of it all
Like Adam before the Fall.
But I'm wiser now or am I?
I know how to be malicious and lie.
Was that what was different before?
Will that set me free to rise above and soar?
It works for so many,will it work for me?
Will I finally then be truly happy?
Even as I write this,I know that's not true
So many dreams and so little time to pursue....
Maybe I'm better of dreaming instead,
Lying alone,curled up in my bed.
Atleast there I'm me,
Not trying just

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