Monday, September 17, 2007

yellowed pages of time......

I found a letter the other day in between the trash I used to read as a kid.And that letter was the best surprise of my life.It made my life infact.I'm sure I must have read it before but had forgotten about it.
Euphoria,hurt,love,disappointment-I felt it all at once and a single tear rolled down my cheek.I dont think I felt more loved as I felt right then.No one has loved me so much I think.Maybe I'm being unfair to loads of people by sayin this but that feeling of being completely loved,of being missed,realising how much I meant to someone.That I was the reason for his living........I honestly have not been loved like that ever......
I smile now as I go through each word in my head and tears still form.....the innocence,the warmth,the poignance of it all.......
A letter to a 10 month old child from her father........
I love u 'da-da'.......always.....


sugar glider said...

its true
id rather
love my father

khub shundar likhhechhish

Tomjohn said...

this blog is too personal for me to comment...its beautiful...cant put into words wat i felt after i read the post...

La Figlia Che Piange said...



Astraeus said...

i have some such letters of my grandmother even now.

I think this is a very personal post of urs for me to comment

rainbeau_peep said...

C'mere, you.

*big hug*

TC said...

awwwwwwwww..........shobai amake ki love korche!!!awwwwwwwwww!!

Dhruva said...

