Monday, June 26, 2006

Light streaming through an open window,
Suppressed giggles, rocking to and fro,
Secrets passes from soul to soul
What felt incomplete becomes whole.
A sudden flash of light-a burning splinter
A cigarette lit- and it just felt better.
Giggles louder still,
The summer breeze sends a chill.
People walk on busy streets below,
We look down and wonder why so..................
A sudden silence and then a laugh
As fluctuating as a graph....
Three souls sit with hidden pasts,
Unspeaking yet,how long can the silence last?
It passes from person to person and is understood,
Without words; a feeling of good.
The silence eventually has to be broken,
Broken with laughs instead of words spoken.
Uneasy silence pushed away with looks exchanged,
Changes the mood to be deranged.
Is it the alcohol, is it the smoke?
What is it that these feelings were evoked?
Is it the company ; is it life?
What makes one put aside their strife?
Pensieve moments replaced by things so light
Just the company of friends makes life so bright.
The distortions in life falls into place,
The presence of friends puts a smile on your face.
Yet another cigarette is lit,
And by the window huddled we sit
The night creeps in slower
But for us daybreak has just dawned....


La Figlia Che Piange said...

Evocative. Vicariously.

TC said...

dear me........evocative....why pray?????????

La Figlia Che Piange said...

volvo na volvo na volvo na volvo na

TC said...

shesh kale vole dili toh

TC said...

re union???dont think the same reunions will happen agin do u?

TC said...

its one of my fav movies....books i couldnt get through..........but then tried readin it when i abt 11....havnt tried aftr that.....but honestly........south city does look like mordor if not isengard

Dhruva said...

Fairly nice, in an awkward, Kafkaesque way...

La Figlia Che Piange said...

Toke na volle tui khoov marteesh, tai vollam. :P

TC said...

yes srin........definately mar khetish.......ami dangerous....